ɫлF(tun)ICLɫиĻI(y)绯Ј(chng)Ҫ(yng)˾I(y)(w)wܲϣI(y)a(chn)ƷKI(lng)ƽÿ?du)II(y)~_(d) 25 |ԪЇ(gu)O(sh)Sr(sh)(jng)^(gu)濼쌦(du)ȣȻİȫϵy(tng)x GF Įa(chn)Ʒ2014 Ȼ^m(x)x GF PP-HPVDF yT(mn)ܵP(gun)
Israel Chemicals Ltd. (ICL) is Israels largest chemical enterprise and an important supplier in global chemical engineering market. Its businesses cover high-performance materials, industrial products and fertilizers and its annual turnover reaches USD 2.5 billion. When setting up plants in China, it ultimately selected GF products in terms of safety, system solutions, etc. based on survey in multiple respects. In Phase II in 2014, it still proceeded with its choice of PP-H, PVDF valves, pipelines and relevant accessories of GF.